Master Real Estate Investing
The Ultimate Novice to Expert Program by Real Estate Legend
Zachary Kepes
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Meet Your Instructor,
Zachary Kepes
How I did 4,000+ deals with absolutely no training
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, who’s this Zach guy and why should I listen to him?

And that’s a great and fair question. It’s important to be skeptical of who you take advice from online, especially if they haven’t done it themselves.

I didn’t plan to start an education business initially.

I was just working my deals and building my portfolio, day in and day out.

And then after my name started getting out there a little, people started asking me how I got all these deals.
Over 20 Years I Achieved This, From Knowing Nothing and No One
When I started there was no guide, no course, not even YouTube.

I went out there and failed my way forward, learning from my mistakes.

People began to take note, asking me how I was doing it.

I mean, I had to be powered by daddies money or something right?

Nope, in fact I did everything 100% bootstrapped.

I did over 4,000 deals and built a massive portfolio organically, becoming the titan of my market.
(Some Of My Actual Deals)
(Actual Students I've Trained)
You too can get 100+ dream deals, even if you're a beginner
But not only are you going to learn how to get deals from scratch, you’re going to learn my entire system around flipping and renting.

Cause that’s actually been the key to landing deal after deal after deal, making the banks keep coming back for more.

So if you’re building your portfolio, you’ll know how collapse the decades into days.

And if you’re an investor and have your own portfolio, you’ll know how to set the foundation to scale into massive monthly dealflow just like I have.
How I did 4,000+ deals with absolutely no training
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, who’s this Zach guy and why should I listen to him?

And that’s a great and fair question. It’s important to be skeptical of who you take advice from online, especially if they haven’t done it themselves.

I didn’t plan to start an education business initially.

I was just working my deals and building my portfolio, day in and day out.

And then after my name started getting out there a little, people started asking me how I got all these deals.
(Some Of My Actual Deals)
Over 20 Years I Achieved This, From Knowing Nothing and No One
When I started there was no guide, no course, not even YouTube.

I went out there and failed my way forward, learning from my mistakes.

People began to take note, asking me how I was doing it.

I mean, I had to be powered by daddies money or something right?

Nope, in fact I did everything 100% bootstrapped.

I did over 4,000 deals and built a massive portfolio organically, becoming the titan of my market.
(Actual Students I've Trained)
You too can get 100+ dream deals, even if you're a beginner
But not only are you going to learn how to get deals from scratch, you’re going to learn my entire system around flipping and renting.

Cause that’s actually been the key to landing deal after deal after deal, making the banks keep coming back for more.

So if you’re building your portfolio, you’ll know how collapse the decades into days.

And if you’re an investor and have your own portfolio, you’ll know how to set the foundation to scale into massive monthly dealflow just like I have.
The Fliplift
Unlock financial freedom with Fliplift.
Here's what you get:
20+ Years Of Brutally Honest Business Advice
What I Learned going Through a Recession
How I Prepare for a Private Investor Meeting
Live Walkthroughs of Actual Potential Deals
How to Build A Rental Portfolio in 2024
My 4 Pillars Of Investing Strategy
Live Walkthroughs of Actual Potential Deals
My Whole Rehab Process A to Z
45+ Mentorship Zoom Calls
Level 1: How I Fund My Deals
Level 2: How I Find Deals
Level 3: After The Flip (Exit & Tenants)
Level 4: Scaling (10+ Flips Monthly)
Today just
Join Fliplift
Our results.
People from every walk of life choose Fliplift. Here's why.
Ready to change your life?
"I was expecting a Zoom call on Thursdays, and what I received was so much more than that... Flip Foundation has literally changed my life."

- Jessica
Looking for your tribe?
“This was so much more than a course for me... They always say your vibe attracts your tribe, but we have some of the most caring people, serving people inside of our group... You just went above and beyond, and that's because that is your natural state.”

- Marci
Want your first deal?
“You've changed my life. I really appreciate you. Without you, I wouldn't be in my flip. This is my first flip, and you're the person who pushed me to be there.”

- Taif
Looking for confidence?
"It's definitely been a life changing experience above and beyond what you're teaching in the course. It's given me such confidence in being able to assess deals and actually pull the trigger, instead of sitting on the sidelines"

- Arinya
Want accountability?
“You were truly our our first mentor to really push us. Our life mentor and and business mentor. Like like Caitlin said, your words of encouragement and guidance helped us”

- Maki & Milton
Want to skip the mistakes?
“If you have the opportunity to get a mentor like Zach, definitely take advantage because they've been around corners that you can't even see. You you don't even see that coming, and they've already been around that corner and around the turn.”

- Alex
The Fliplift
Unlock financial freedom with Fliplift.
Here's what you get:
20+ Years Of Brutally Honest Business Advice
What I Learned going Through a Recession
How I Prepare for a Private Investor Meeting
Live Walkthroughs of Actual Potential Deals
How to Build A Rental Portfolio in 2024
My 4 Pillars Of Investing Strategy
Live Walkthroughs of Actual Potential Deals
My Whole Rehab Process A to Z
45+ Mentorship Zoom Calls
Level 1: How I Fund My Deals
Level 2: How I Find Deals
Level 3: After The Flip (Exit & Tenants)
Level 4: Scaling (10+ Flips Monthly)
Today just
Join Fliplift
Ready to change your life?
"I was expecting a Zoom call on Thursdays, and what I received was so much more than that... Flip Foundation has literally changed my life."

- Jessica
Looking for your tribe?
“This was so much more than a course for me... They always say your vibe attracts your tribe, but we have some of the most caring people, serving people inside of our group... You just went above and beyond, and that's because that is your natural state.”

- Marci
Want your first deal?
“You've changed my life. I really appreciate you. Without you, I wouldn't be in my flip. This is my first flip, and you're the person who pushed me to be there.”

- Taif
Looking for confidence?
"It's definitely been a life changing experience above and beyond what you're teaching in the course. It's given me such confidence in being able to assess deals and actually pull the trigger, instead of sitting on the sidelines"

- Arinya
Want accountability?
“You were truly our our first mentor to really push us. Our life mentor and and business mentor. Like like Caitlin said, your words of encouragement and guidance helped us”

- Maki & Milton
Want to skip the mistakes?
“If you have the opportunity to get a mentor like Zach, definitely take advantage because they've been around corners that you can't even see. You you don't even see that coming, and they've already been around that corner and around the turn.”

- Alex
The Fliplift
Unlock financial freedom with Fliplift.
Here's what you get:
20+ Years Of Brutally Honest Business Advice
What I Learned going Through a Recession
How I Prepare for a Private Investor Meeting
Live Walkthroughs of Actual Potential Deals
How to Build A Rental Portfolio in 2024
My 4 Pillars Of Investing Strategy
Live Walkthroughs of Actual Potential Deals
My Whole Rehab Process A to Z
45+ Mentorship Zoom Calls
Level 1: How I Fund My Deals
Level 2: How I Find Deals
Level 3: After The Flip (Exit & Tenants)
Level 4: Scaling (10+ Flips Monthly)
Today just
Join Fliplift